Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A place alone
Where I can be happy
It's just a dream
I try to reach it every day

But every time I have just some hope
It's taken away
By the things you say
Every day
My sorrow grows again

And my feelings come back
I try not to cry
But then my tears start coming
Rolling slowly down my cheeks
Falling in the darkness
The coldness

of my fears
With frozen thoughts
Left behind
From this life without sense

Thursday, October 1, 2009

not in the mood

how stupid i feel right now. regrets, frustrated, stupid all in one. apesal la aku bole dgr ckp kwn en. it led me to this. i should've done it without waiting for her. i should care about myself first. dia tu dh la jenis yg tk kesah psl stdy suma. bkn aku nk kutuk en tp.. haishh. dhla. sakit hati aku. bye