Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Things

Number of followers is increasing i see. Thank you! But don't regret it as i rant a lot here. Hehe. I also noticed the increasing in 'Numbers of People Stop By' on the right sidebar. I think i know who have been reading this blog :D

Okay! Nothing much to to tell actually. As a lot of people know, i'm actually on my endless holiday. Job hunting was not a sucess. Been offered to teach in a kindergarten as an english teacher. Err? Truth is, i don't mind handling kids. I'm surrounded by kids all the time in this house. But it comes to my mind that, can i be a good teacher? Even if its just a simple, level 1 english, i'm still worried because kids are an easily influenced creature. They do and talk everything they see without knowing what's good or bad. So i dont know if i'm a good role model. And for that reason i haven't said yes yet. Let me think about it again and again.

Happy thing is we are going on a vacation next week!! *robot dance* Haha yay!! But only 2 family are going. My 3 beloved uncles from Seremban won't be joining us because of some reasons. But i know their kids, which is my crazy cousins will tag along somehow. They wouldn't miss this once-a-year-fun-family-vacation. Unlike previous year, we won't be going to PD again eventho last year vacation at Ilham Resort was super fun. This year we will be going to a resort in Kuala Linggi. It was Kak Ayang's idea. We've looked at their website, it was a very traditional kampung house with breathtaking scenery. Check this out yo.

Very vintage. Can't wait to explore that place! We'll be like "Partyin' Partyin' Yeah! Fun, Fun Fun, Fun. Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend"  *Rebecca Black mode on*

So that's all for now. Till then, be safe people! ;)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

One Sentence Post

It's raining. I'm bored. I dont know what to do. He's working. His birthday is near. I dont have a job. I'm broke. I dont know what to buy. I'm screwed. Bye

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Gahhhhhh. Changed my blog template, layout, playlist. Very the colourful hah my background? Let it be. Bit cheerful. One of the reasons i should not be moody all the time. Ada kena mengena? Move along noww. I feel very rajin to update this dusty blog tonight. I'm also surprised. Maybe the spirit of this blog has whispered something in my ears and bammmm! Everything is sparkling new. I also have lots to blog. Hahhahaha pelik dengan diri sendiri ni! I'm not always like this. Ini rare bro. Sangat rare. Okay happy reading! Stalking or whatever u wanna call it. Later.

I'm Back

Its been awhile since i last write a post. Tonight, i just feel like doing it and i dont know why. Before i'm writing this post, i was reading all of my old post. It brings back so much memory. My life 2 3 years before was so different. It has so many changes now. I miss some of the people from my past. But missing them doesn't mean i want them back in my life. Let the past stay as a past. Maybe my future has a lot of new people coming. We never know. I'm just hoping i could get what i had always wished for. Amin