Saturday, February 23, 2008


hey all, i'm jasmira. jasmira jamal. that's my full name. well i liked it very much. ehehe
i'm technically 17 years old since it's 6 months away from my birthday but i've finished schoolin. yeay for me!! aha. life without school is bored. no more fierce teachers, no more cuci mata tgk crush dkat skola (hahaha), no more lepak2 waktu rehat with my babes (btw rehat is my fav subject in school out of all, gahah), no more being bug by shamin (haha, missed u dude!).
basically it's just boring. i missed studying. can you believe that? me? missed studying? gahhaha. they said results will be out on 28th. man! i am so not ready for it.
there's bbq tmrrw night at Perdasama ( a persatuan for businessman which my dad was in)
and i can't wait to be there just because i want to meet MUKHLIS!!! he's hot!! he's hotter than hot!! he's one of the the members of Perdasama too. i met him last year at Perdasama's buka puasa event. and since that he's been listed down to one of my crushes. lol~ well, hope he'll make it tmrrw. wink >_<


Nadia Zali said...

Kau pernah cerita kn psl mukhlis tu kt ktorg?

jsmra jml said...

haah. good thing kita dh abis skola or i'd still cerita bout him. ehee