Saturday, December 5, 2009

yoyo aiyoyo

aiyoyo. haha. lme dh tk dgr perkataan tu. well its not actually a word. the indians is the one who always use the word. hehee

well well well. its 2.37 am right now according to the clocks at this laptop sidebar. and no signs for me to go to sleep. sbb tk mgantuk pun. but i still got to wake up early tomorrow bcause of the rehearsal thingy. tkpe2. esok mama bole tlg kejut.;) sbb skrg tgh sronok maen game. sgt2 la addict main game ouh. i just cant help it eventhough i'm 19. dh tua bangka tp maen game lg. hehee

so tkpe maen je la slagi bole maen kn. because its good kn doing what u really want and makes u happy. no forces from anyone at all. i hope it would be the same for my life too. hmm never mindd. =(

whatever happens kena kuat kn?=)

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