Sunday, January 24, 2010

you wanna get it over and done with?

ada la sorg ni. ktorg rapat sgt dlu. rapat in terms of 'kawan' la. but setelah jd kejadian2 yg membuatkan keselamatan dia terjejas, dia avoidkan diri dr aku. ok la kan. tkpe aku fhm. but now, ble aku rsa yg tkda lg harm yg bole terjadi kat dia sbbkan berkawan dgn aku, dia still jgak amik keputusan utk tak bertegur dgn aku. bukan la aku mcm gila babi nk dia baik ngan aku suma kn. but fk la of what we used to be back then. sedih ble pk2 blk. but still, its all up to you. nk tegur, tegur la. tanak tegur tkpe. i'll act normal. evnthough i miss those old times of ours.

thanks for everything. =)

1 comment:

..fara tralala.. said...

saye tau siape yg diperkate kn itu.. sbr yer. huhu