Tuesday, February 16, 2010

love is in the air

yesterday was valentines day. a day where couples cherish their love. it's not really good though to celebrate it. so as muslims, maybe we should just go out and have dinner or watch movies and see the day as a normal day where we have date with our partner. not as a valentines day that we have to go out and celebrate. but as for me, today all i do is playing games. no chocolate, no flowers, no teddy bear, no partner and not even a single love sayings wished. :) thats okay. dont really mind. but i admit it, i feel a bit lonely lately. pffftt :p okay maybe its not a bit. its more than a bit. i'm used with a loved ones by my side 24/7. ones who care about what i do, where i go and stuff. i really miss that. but there'll be voices saying, " what about go and have scandals?" for god sake, pleaseee. i mean like, what are scandals for? what benefit do you get? scandal is like having someone to flirt with u. not someone who would love and take good care of you. scandal is all about being flirty and while being flirty with ur scandal, you flirt with ur other scandal. wtf? so the answer is no. yes i have some guys that i've been close to but they are SO not my scandals. that is the process of getting to know whether we are compatible to be lovebirds :)

so apparently i haven't found anyone yet so far. but dont get me wrong. i'm not desperate. it's just that i'm lonely. and i'm afraid that when i'm lonely, i'd fall back to that......errrr. no no no. so i'll keep it cool. slow and steady. and i also dont want to meet any guys that want to be my bf just because of what i have and not what i am. it should be the other way around rite. may i found the right one. amin. (",)

how cute :)


sarahness. said...

yeah yeah, u're soo right. agree with you. i just hate those people with scandal's. tambah2 lagi klo bf i yang diskandal kan nye. T_T

..fara tralala.. said...

no matter what u're decision is, im with u. & i hope u make a good decision. im not holding u back,thats not my intention at all.i hope u know that. whatever it is, im here, always.

jsmra jml said...

dont worry sarah. fara and i akan make sure apit tkda scandal. berani la dia buat kat u. abis fara wwe trus. hahaa

babe, dont u worry. i wont fall back for him. not after what hppen. just gotta stay strong now. and just so you know, i'm here for u too. ;)

..fara tralala.. said...

hhaha. btul2. i gne tactic stone cold kt apit if ea de scandal. hahaha.

syg, i know u're strong. & i have faith in u that u wont do the same mistakes again. n btw babe, thnx. love u. xoxo~