Sunday, March 14, 2010


well. this semester is coming to an end. i got one more paper to sit then i'll be free from books. hoorayyy. this fifth sem of mine is the one that i'll never forget. many things happened like:

-i dont skip classes without solid reason
-i made bunch of new friends
-joined kpacc unintentionally
-i broke up with my bf which i think is the right thing to do
-been exposed with the modeling thingy which is fun
-i communicate better
-moved out from hostel (i hate this part)
-started karaoke-ing and addicted to it
-i didn't spend much money on topups
-i didn't gain weight eventho i took some pills
-i socialize more
-i have a new mindset about people
-i'm aware with guys 'sweet talks'
-i can handle stress without screaming like a mad woman anymore
-been abused which is a tragic thing that had ever happened to me
-and i finally felt the real college life because i can hang out with whoever, wherever, whenever i want without restrictions. not like previous sem.

the best and the worst semester :)

1 comment:

-SHADOW- said...

nice beb!
too bad aq xley lepak sgt ngn korg.
ni r prob kalo course len2.
xpe2. nnt kte karok lg k!