Saturday, June 12, 2010

u dont know what i went through

its over and done but the heartache lives on inside
the bruises all fade, but the pain remains the same
and i still remember how you kept me so afraid

baby dont you understand the damage you have done
for you its just a memory but for me it still lives on
i could still remember hearing my voice screaming please no more
it's not so easy to forget all the marks you left along my days

if its not for the things you've done, i'm assuming that we could still be holding hands today.but your chance has come and gone even though this heart used to be filled with your love

it aint easy for me to say goodbye but i must find myself another guy.
and i just hope that we'll have better life.


it's been more than 4 months since i left the hostel. but i still can't get over it. i'm missing my life back there. when i lived there, i think i got everything i could ever need. i got all my close friends, i can hang out whenever i want, i got nobody telling me what to do, i can wake up whatever time i want, i dont have to rush to go to classes. basically its just a perfect life for me. i miss a lot of my friends. i seldomly see them since i moved out from the hostel. let me list it down

1. my roomate - zila
the nicest roomate i've ever known. baik sangat. dulu ktorg slalu gi dinner sama2 dgn kwn zila, kak badar. diaorg baik sangat. dh macam kakak sendiri je hehee. zila tak penah berkira dlm ape benda pun. brg dlm bilik pun byk ktorg share. klu tgh lapar pun share makanan. thanks zila selama ni baik sgt ngan jas :) and her bf has the same birthdate as mine. haha kebetulan betul.

2. my bff - faranisa
budak comel yg putih gebu. we can be seen together almost everyday. pegi mana pun sama2. waktu tidur ktorg pun same. dua2 burung hantu suka tidur lmbat. on9 dlm blik same2, mkn maggi same2, mandi same2. pilih baju utk kuar pun kami perlukan satu sama lain hehee. dan dia selalu kejutkan saya bangun tidur ye utk gi class. selalunya cmtu lah org yg paling rapat akan menjadi mangsa utk kejut saya bangun tidur :D and ape prob pun akan dikongsi dgn fara kerana kami memahami satu sama lain :) love you so much babe.ohh and her bf birthdate is a day before mine. hehee kebetulan lg skali

3. my neighbours - mar n ila
mardhiah dan roomate nye ila. ktorg punye bilik depan2 je. klu bukak pintu bilik mmg nmpak bilik mar. dorg ni, masyallah sgt happy go lucky. suara mar mmg sgt power smpai dia bersin pun dr jauh bole dengar hehe. bilik diaorg akan jd sgt hapenning klu adib, kimi or lain2 dtg. akan dgr la gelak ketawa mereka. ada sekali tu ktorg main kad ramai2. lawak gle time tu. bising sgt. sumpah best time tu. rinduuu :)

4. my sista - kak yin n kak shafa
slalunya klu mlm2 ktorg slalu gi lepak bilik kak shafa. borak2, gosip2. slalunya cte psl girl stuff la. psl baju, psl make up sbb kak shafa tu byk sgt tips on beauty stuff. tgk la pun rupa dia cantik cmne :) and kak yin pulak slalu ajak hang out. kak yin mmg suka berjalan heheh. kak yin suka buat lawak. tak berhenti gelak klu duduk ngan dia :D

yang lain2 tu mcm ktorg slalu gi bilik isyqi. sbb isyqi tkde roomate so best klu buat bsing kat bilik dia hahaha. kdg2 pun ktorg slalu gi dinner ngan isyqi sbb biasa la kan saya dan faranisa ni tkde pengangkutan time tu kat hostel so ktorg slalu ikut org je la hehee. tq isyqi! :) tp kdg2 klu dh tkde option tu ktorg gi cafe je. wlaupun tk best tp tu je lah pilihan terakhir kami. i never thought i would say this but, rindu sgt kat hostel tu. rasa mcm nk pindah balik je. haihhh.