Saturday, June 12, 2010

u dont know what i went through

its over and done but the heartache lives on inside
the bruises all fade, but the pain remains the same
and i still remember how you kept me so afraid

baby dont you understand the damage you have done
for you its just a memory but for me it still lives on
i could still remember hearing my voice screaming please no more
it's not so easy to forget all the marks you left along my days

if its not for the things you've done, i'm assuming that we could still be holding hands today.but your chance has come and gone even though this heart used to be filled with your love

it aint easy for me to say goodbye but i must find myself another guy.
and i just hope that we'll have better life.


Anonymous said...

sabar k jaz. he dont deserve ur love at all. -min

..fara tralala.. said...

babe, be strong. u deserve better. i know its hard to forget him but hey, its life. love come n go. u have to decide what best for u n ur future. oke? one thing for sure, u're not alone. u'll always have me, sarah, abe, afiq n the rest to count on. oke? xoxo~~

sarahness. said...

yup yup. u kan ade ehem ehem ehem. hehehehe. chill la bebeh ! ;)

jsmra jml said...

tq kwn2. <3