Sunday, January 16, 2011

twenty eleven

my first post for this year. so i wanna talk about my 2011 resolution. or is it more like a wishlist? haha. who cares? :D
  • the most important one out of all, i want to finish my diploma. haihhh. semua pun asyik tanya bila nak habis dip? okay so actually, there's a few problems goin on with my subject. the subject that i intended to take is not offered next semester since its a short sem. so i have to postpone my studies for one sem and come back the following sem to finish my diploma. until then, i think i'd work. i need money :s
  • take MUET test and pass with flying colours. :)
  • i want to take good care of my face. hahaha. sounds weird kan? but i really want a flawless skin. god. i envy girls with flawless skin. so i'm trying to have it too. i'll do what it takes. i'll try whatever product.
  • i wanna change my hair style. seriously, i'm bored with my current hair. i have the same hairstyle like for 3 years now. any suggestion?
  • i want to gain weight! GOD. this is the hardest among all. well, the main reason why i wanna gain weight is because i think i'd look better not being so skinny. all i have now is bones. some of my friends even called me zombie. -_-"
  • i wanna be a better daughter to my parents, a better sister to my siblings, a better friend to my friends, a better student to my lecturers, and a better lover to my lover.
  • last but not least, i want my 3 months old relationship with him to last. wish us all the best <3

i cropped his face for safety reasons. haha :*

1 comment:

..fara tralala.. said...

hee.. good luck darling.. xoxo!