Wednesday, July 14, 2010

whats wrong with me? whats wrong with you?

okay right now, i dont know whats wrong with some people around me. nape mcm yg rmai tak puas hati and nk merajuk ngan aku? if i did u wrong, please feel free to confront and tell me what is it about me that bothers u. aku lemas sgt mcm ni. klu tk puas hati ckp je dpan2. i can handle it. aku pun bukan jenis yg suka sgt nk pendam2 ni. it hurts more if u keep it to urself. sekarang ni aku rasa mcm ada 3 org yg tk puas hati or maybe merajuk ngan aku. their names of course will not be mention here. so if any of that 3 person read this, pls pls tell me whats the problem u're having with me. we're friends, so lets not ruin our friendship this way. we should solve things out. not adding it up.

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